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The YAP idea inspires international exchange of young adults since decades. YAP stands for „Young Ambassador Program“, which is delivered by a registered organization, called YAP e. V. The program is supported by 41 INTERNATIONAL and its participating member associations.

The Birth of Young Ambassador Programme (YAP) 41 INTERNATIONAL
When I was the Vice President of 41 INTERNATIONAL, Otto who was the President mooted the idea of youth exchange program. As President and during my travel to various countries, I discussed this idea; INTERNATIONAL Secretary Kishore Sahani meanwhile built on the concept.
I April 1992, prior to the International AGM in Chennai 30 of our Indian 41ers were invited to the Governor’s Bungalow along with 72 foreign delegates and spouses. It was at that moment that we announce the launch of the Young Ambassador Programme after the breakfast hosted by the Governor. We then held a press conference and made a Press release of the plans.
Earlier, at a felicitation meeting of 41ers Chennai, Kishore Sahani and I announced our plan for Youth Exchange Programme. We called for funds. The French 41ers visiting Chennai (earlier known as Madras) gave the first donation of U.S $ 100, 00. Donations then poured from many others and the Indu Chandok Foundation Trust with Board of Trustees was formed. I promised to make a matching donation of up to Rupees 50,000. Thus at every 41 India AGM the Sergeant at arms collection was given to the trust with my matching amount. In around 4 years we had collected nearly a lakh of rupees and passed on to the Association of 41 Clubs of India.
So Otto was the thought, Kishore Sahani the mother and me the Father of the YAP program.
Indu Chandok
Past President 1991-92 – 41 INTERNATIONAL