I’ve realised that a writing small article about the YAP South Europe Tour 2018 is impossible, because compressing 4 countries, 11 cities, all the amazing people and a million moments and memories, is no easy feat. But I promise to do my best!
Starting off with Tienen and Brussels in Belgium, moving through Dusseldorf and Ingolstadt, with a day trip to Munich in Germany, onwards to Knittelfeld, Vienna, and Feldbach in Austria, and finally ending in Italy with Verona, Venice, Ascoli and a peek in Rome, the YAP South Europe Tour spanned 21 days, and was a trip of a lifetime.
Throughout the trip, it came to me that Tabling and/ or 41 Clubs across the world all revolve around family. From the moment we landed till the moment we left, we were treated like part of the family. There was never a time when we felt out of place, and the hosts as well as everyone we met would go out of their way to make us feel at home. From getting out all of their chilli sauces to spice up the food, to taking time off from work to take us around, they all really took care of us like we were their own.
For me all this love and kindness, was amplified a few times over because towards the last week of the trip I fractured my foot. This happened while I was in Austria, and I had a cast and crutches, which meant trouble getting around. In no time the message went around and each of the 41 Clubs had wheelchairs organised and I was able to go everywhere. I didn’t miss out on anything! A big thank you to everyone, especially the 41 Club members and their families as well as my fellow Yappers who made sure I got around and even carried me to places.
I’d like to end this piece, by answering a few of the “standard” questions we were asked by our hosts, as well their friends and family while we were travelling as a group of Yappers.
- “Is this your first time in Europe?”
Yes, but I’m definitely coming back again because it’s been a truly enriching experience and though we were taken around to see such amazing and picturesque places, I’m sure there’s still a lot more to see. And as an added reason, now I have a bunch of friends in every country to go and visit.
- “Did you guys know each other before this trip, or did you all meet for the first time?”
I was lucky enough to be able to do this trip with my brother, but the rest of us we all met for the first time at the airport in Dubai/Brussels, and some of us in the days that followed. We’re from different parts of India, but as the trip progressed it was like we had known each other for years. We gelled really well and travelling together made it so much more fun! The trip provided the perfect backdrop for a million memories that I’m sure we’ll all cherish forever.
So, cheers and huge thank you to Tabling, to 41 Club’s across the world, to everyone who worked so hard to make this work and last but not the least to my fellow YAPPERS!